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Please note: if you click continue, you are confirming you are a veterinarian, fish health specialist or otherwise working in the animal health or closely related industry in Canada.

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Please note: if you click continue, you are confirming you are a veterinarian, fish health specialist or other animal health care professional working in the animal health or closely related industry in Norway.

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Elanco’s DNA plasmid vaccine technology is a unique innovation that’s helping vaccinated salmon to live healthier, brighter lives free from pancreatic disease (PD).

As the first ever nucleic acid vaccine approved in Europe, our highly effective PD vaccine pioneered the way for COVID vaccines to follow.

For more information about this vaccine technology CLICK HERE.

Supporting diversity and sustainability

The UK has a strikingly diverse aquaculture industry as it involves a broad variety of both freshwater and saltwater species. UK aquaculture supports the sustainable economic growth of rural and coastal communities that depend on it for employment, investment and long-term financial security.
The aquaculture industry faces many challenges not least of all animal welfare, the environment, food safety and sustainability.

The Aqua team at Elanco works very closely with our customers to meet and solve these challenges on a day to day basis.


The Headquarter of the Elanco office for the UK is placed in Hook in Great Britain.